
Arvid Kahl

Being your own boss isn't easy, but it's worth it. Learn how to build a legacy while being kind and authentic. I want to empower as many entrepreneurs as possible to help themselves (and those they choose to serve).

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Doing Things that Don’t Scale …Unintentionally — The Bootstrapped Founder 337

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, There’s this famous saying by Paul Graham from one of his most well-known essays: a command to all founders and startup operators to “do things that don’t scale.” Graham explains that at the beginning of starting a business, there are things you should do as a founder that you know will never work once you have hundreds or thousands of customers. But it’s precisely these things that make it happen. The learning from these hands-on projects allows you to...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, These last weeks have been a bit much. What do they say? “Take a break before the break takes you?” Well, I got quite close to that this week. 🎧 Listen to this on my podcast. I’ve been quite active working on Podscan in many different ways, and it has been overwhelming at times. I found a way to cope with this, and I found a way to still get done what I needed to get done, so I wanted to share the whole journey and the whole emotional state that I was in...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, Recently, I’ve been pondering the difference between being sincere and being serious, especially in the context of entrepreneurship. This reflection was sparked by an article I read about how the most successful people are sincere but not overly serious. It’s a fascinating concept that ties into the idea of playing the infinite game versus the finite game—a theme I’ve explored in my books “Zero to Sold” and “The Embedded Entrepreneur.” Both...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, @Kitze, a Serial indie hacker and entrepreneur, shares his journey through a landscape filled with multiple projects like Sizzy, a browser for developers, Benji, a productivity app, and a comprehensive full-stack video course.Kitze opens up about how his ADHD diagnosis has shaped his work ethic and productivity, revealing the personal motivations behind creating tools like Benji. True indie hacker fashion: he built a tool that he needed for himself. And...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, I’m at an interesting stage of my entrepreneurial journey, seeing several of my worlds colliding. The frameworks I’ve been using to get where I am are both working really well and starting to show their limitations. For years, I operated under the paradigm of having many small bets, a framework popularized by Daniel Vassallo in the indie hacker community. I’ve been part of his Small Bets community and even held workshops there occasionally. The idea is to...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, Geoff Roberts (@GeoffTRoberts) is the co-founder of Outseta, and he's halfway there, 7 years in. Outseta —the SaaS starter kit and the business behind it— is built and operated on a multi-decade timeline, and it's not been easy to achieve profitability. Geoff shares the ups and downs of a long and painful story; what it means to think and operate both in the here and now as well as focusing on the birds-eye view when it comes to bootstrapping a SaaS...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, This week was a duality of extremes for me. On one hand, I experienced an unprecedented growth spurt in my user numbers, while on the other hand, I stumbled into frustrating scarcity and infrastructure problems. That’s entrepreneurship for you: big wins while struggling to not lose control of the whole thing. 🎙️ Enjoy the blog post and the podcast The juxtaposition of these two experiences in a single week was both challenging and enlightening. Today, I...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, As I watched the latest Apple Keynote from WWDC, one sentence really stood out to me: "AI for the rest of us." Apple is going to introduce artificial intelligence into their devices, software, operating systems, and apps in a way that will make it ubiquitous within a few months, maybe even weeks, once people start downloading and installing the latest beta version of iOS. The question is, how will that impact consumer expectations around AI? 🎙️ Enjoy the...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, A few months ago, I raised a low 6-figure investment for Podscan. Here's the conversation between me and my investor, @tylertringas, that happened just before I signed the contract.You usually don't get to listen in for one of those. Today, you will. Tyler and I discuss how the Calm Company Fund navigates the alignment challenge between founders and investors, what makes a business like Podscan investable, and the risks of funding a portfolio of niche...

Podcast, YouTube, Blog Dear founder, This week, I ran into two very interesting instances of platform risk in my own software business. I will share what happened, what I did, and how I intend to combat them in the future. 🎙️ Enjoy the blog post and the podcast And before I dive into the nitty gritty details, be aware that this episode might get a bit technical. Don’t worry, there’s something to be learned from this even if you don’t know what an AWS RDS blue/green deployment is. Because the...